Wednesday, 3 December 2008


On 18th October, we passed a milestone: 1 year in New Zealand, can you believe it??
As we are really lazy with updating this weblog, I will upload a lot of pictures so you have at least something to look at.

In the first weekend of October, we went for a walk near Castle Hill. It's about 1,5 hours drive from Christchurch. It's a great to wander around the weird rock formations as you can see on the pictures. Looks a bit like Dartmoor in the UK.

14th November is Canterbury day. It' s a public holiday and we were both off work. The biggest A&P Show (for the Swiss: like the OLMA) in NZ is held in Christchurch on this very day. Many farm animals have their own competition: from chickens, sheep, cows to alpacas and even ducks and pigeons. There are also many farm machines...and they are huge! And of course, there is not just one machine, but lots and lots, incredible!! We walked around for about 4 hours and still haven't seen all of it.
It was a great day out on a hot summer day!

Some more random pictures...

Do you know what a Cicada is ? They are about 4cm long and make a hell of a noise!! It's quite a tropical sound and it took us a while to figure out what the source of that noise is. Those little beasts can produce such an amount of decibels that when walking in Hagley Park here in the city, you almost have to cover your ears.

Still amazing how empty beaches are over here. We really appreciate that parking next to beaches is free, space is available and there are no traffic jams to the beaches...and it's just a 20 minutes drive from home :-)

Enjoying the warm and sunny weather on the deck with a game of table tennis and a gorgeous cool beer. That's the life guys!!

We will update the weblog very soon as we have more did purchase something HUGE!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear George and Esther,

Something HUGE ?

- a huge mountain
- a huge open space
- a huge feisty rooster
- huge sheep (with/without long neck)
- a huge tractor
- a huge pingpongtable
- huge smiles
- a huge beach

Who knows ;-) Happy Christmas and a happy Newyear from Overloon !


Marc, Lisette, Tygo and Jesse.